Mission Statement
To teach the principles of God’s word and how to apply them to our daily lives.
Vision Statement
To restore and develop stronger families for spiritual and economic empowerment through supernatural intervention and divine manifestation.

Bishop Godfrey
& Min. Iris Williams
Pastor Laquez
& Lady Chantal Williams
Pastor Ed
& Min. Patricia Ambrister
Godfrey Randolph Williams is a native of Fortune Hills, San Salvador. He is the proud father of six and a grandfather. He is married to the lovely Minister Iris Williams. On January 30, 1983, he assumed the leadership of St. John’s Native Baptist Church, in Freeport, Grand Bahama.
Throughout the 80s, hundreds packed the 500-seat facility located on Coral Road. Most Sundays, latecomers were faced with not having a seat. In 1991 during a recession, God gave Pastor Williams a vision to rise up and build the first Cathedral on the island of Grand Bahama.
Although there were many trials during the building process, on November 10, 1998, thousands from around the world witnessed the dedication of St. John’s Jubilee Cathedral, which has the capacity to hold 2,500 people.
Bishop Williams holds a BSc. In Christian Counseling and an honorary Doctorate in Divinity and has studied theology at Virginia Union University. He presently serves as Regional Bishop and in 2011 was appointed Ambassador to the Hispanic American Association.
Laquez Williams was born and raised in Freeport, Grand Bahama. He is the son of Bishop Godfrey and Minister Iris Williams. He is married to the love of his life, Chantal Williams and they have been blessed with one son.
On April 9, 2023, after serving faithfully as executive pastor, Bishop Godfrey announced that the appointed time had come to ordain Pastor Laquez as senior pastor of Jubilee Cathedral.
Pastor Laquez has degrees from Oral Roberts University and Valor Christian College. He served at one church in Ohio upon graduation. But ultimately, his steps were ordered by the Lord to return home and help his father carryon the work in the vineyards at home.
In addition to serving as senior pastor of Jubilee Cathedral, Pastor Laquez also serves as COO of Godfrey R. Williams Ministries.

We are a community-focused church. We believe in taking the message of the Gospel to the world and in demonstrating God’s love in action in our own cities.
Under Bishop Godfrey’s leadership, the church has implemented several social programs that cater to the poor, orphans, and widows. In 2000 Bishop Williams spearheaded the largest outreach project ever in the Bahamas.
Through this project, he was able to sow dry goods, meats, shoes, and clothing into the community. In 2002 he began negotiations to purchase one of the top academic schools in the nation. About one year later he was the owner of that institution now renamed, Sunland Baptist Academy.
Some 30-plus years later, Bishop Williams continues to invest in the lives of people. He has shown this through his impeccable character and unwavering commitment to God and to the people God has entrusted to his care.
Jubilee Cathedral is one church in two locations. God has given our senior leaders a very express mandate to TAKE CARE OF HIS PEOPLE.
Both campuses are located on the island of Grand Bahama in The Bahamas. We seek to be a lighthouse for the lost and the downcast.
The main campus is located on Cathedral Blvd (Settlers Way) in the city of Freeport. This location serves as the headquarters and is known for its dynamic worship services, community outreach, and vibrant fellowship opportunities.
Our west campus is located on in Eight Mile Rock and is lead by campus leaders, Pastor Ed and Min. Patricia Armbrister. Jubilee West is a tight-knit community that is a beacon of hope with a strong commitment to evangelism.
Together, both campuses fulfill the great commission and demonstrate the love of God in action.
GOD. God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are co-equal and are one God.
Genesis 1:1,26,27; 3:22, Psalm 90:2, Matthew 28:19, I Peter 1:2, II Corinthians 13:14
MAN. Man is made in the image of God. He is the supreme object of God's creation. Although God designed man to have fellowship with him, man became alienated from God through disobedience. As a result, all human beings are born with a sinful nature and choose to sin against God. Man is incapable of regaining a right relationship with God through his own efforts.
Genesis 1:27, Psalm 8:3-6, Isaiah 53:6a, Romans 3:23, Colossians 1:21, Isaiah 59:1-2
ETERNITY. Man was created to exist forever. He will either exist eternally separated from God by sin, or in union with God, through forgiveness and salvation. When you die, you will either spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. Eternal separation from God happens in Hell. Eternal union with God occurs in Heaven.
John 3:16, I John 2:25; 5:11-13, Romans 6:23, Revelation 20:15
JESUS CHRIST. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all men by dying on a cross. He arose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven's glory and will return again to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Matthew 1:22-23, Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1-5; 14:10-30, Hebrews 4:14-15, I Corinthians 15:3-4, Romans 1:3-4, Acts 1:9-11, I Timothy 6:14-15, Titus 2:13
SALVATION. Salvation is a gift from God to man. Man can never make up for his sin by self-improvement or good works. Only by trusting in Jesus Christ as God's offer of forgiveness can man be saved from sin's penalty. Eternal life begins the moment one receives Jesus Christ into his life by faith.
Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 14:6; 1:12, Titus 3:5, Galatians 3:26, Romans 5:1
ETERNAL SECURITY. Because God gives man eternal life through Jesus Christ, the believer is secure in that salvation for eternity. Salvation is maintained by the grace and power of God, not by the self-effort of the Christian. It is the grace and keeping power of God that gives this security.
John 10:29, II Timothy 1:12, Hebrews 7:25; 10:10-14, I Peter 1:3-5
THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son as God. He is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every believer from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. The Christian seeks to live under His control daily.
II Corinthians 3:17, John 16:7-13; 14:16-17, Acts 1:8, I Corinthians 2:12; 3:16, Ephesians 1:13, Galatians 5:25, Ephesians 5:18
THE BIBLE. The Bible is God's Word to all men. It was written by human authors under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs and living.
II Timothy 3:16-17, II Peter 1:20-21, II Timothy 1:13, Psalm 119:105,160, Psalm 12:6, Proverbs 30:5
BAPTISM. Baptism is an ordinance of the Lord Jesus, obligatory upon every believer wherein he is immersed in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, as a sign of his fellowship with the death and resurrection of Christ, of remission of sins, and of his giving himself up to God, to live and walk in newness of life. It is a prerequisite to church fellowship and to participation in the Lord's Supper.
THE LORD’S SUPPER. The Lord's Supper is an ordinance of Jesus Christ, to be administered with the elements of bread and wine, and to be observed by His churches until the second coming of Christ. It is in no sense a sacrifice but is designed to commemorate His death, to confirm the faith and other graces of Christians, and to be a bond pledge and renewal of their communion with Him, and of their church fellowship.
THE CHURCH. The Lord Jesus is the Head of the Church, which is composed of all His true disciples, and in Him is invested supremely in all power for its government. According to His commandments, Christians are to associate themselves with particular societies or churches; and to each of these churches, He hath given needful authority for administering that order, discipline, and worship which He hath appointed. The scriptural officers of a church are Bishops or Elders (Pastors and Deacons).
THE RESURRECTION. The bodies of men after death return to dust, but their spirits return immediately to God; the righteous to rest with Him; the wicked to be reserved under darkness to the judgement. On the last day, the bodies of all the dead, both just and unjust, will be raised.
THE JUDGEMENT. God hath appointed a day, wherein He will judge the world by Jesus Christ when every one shall receive according to his deeds; the wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment and the righteous into everlasting life.
CIVIL GOVERNMENT. We believe that civil government is of divine appointment, for the interests and good order of human society (1); and that magistrates are to be prayed for, conscientiously honored, and obeyed (2); except only in things opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ (3) who is the only Lord of the conscience, and the Prince of the kings of the earth (4).
Rom. 13:1-7; Deut. 16:18; 1 Sam. 23:3; Exod. 18:23; Jer.30:21; Matt. 22:21; Titus 3:1; 1 Pet. 2:13; 1 Tim. 2:1-8; Acts 5:29; Matt. 10:28; Dan. 3:15-18; 6:7-10; Acts 4:18-20; Matt. 23:10; Rom. 14:4; Rev. 19:16; Psa. 72:11; Psa. 2; Rom. 14:9-13
THE HARMONY OF THE LAW AND THE GOSPEL. We believe that the Law of God is the eternal and unchangeable rule of his moral government (1); that it is holy, just, and good (2); and that the inability which the Scriptures ascribe to fallen men to fulfill its precepts arises entirely from their love of sin (3); to deliver them from which, and to restore them through a Mediator to unfeigned obedience to the holy Law, is one great end of the Gospel, and of the means of grace connected with the establishment of the visible Church (4).
Rom. 3:31; Matt. 5:17; Luke 16:17; Rom. 3:20; 4:15; Rom. 7:12, 7, 14, 22; Gal. 3:21; Psa. 119; Rom. 8:7-8; Josh. 24:19; Jer. 13:23; John 6:44; 5:44; Rom. 8:2, 4; 10:4; 1 Tim. 1:5; Heb. 8:10; Jude 20-21; Heb. 12:14; Matt. 16:17-18; 1 Cor. 12:28
“We are a Fellowship Mandated to Unite, Equip, Enhance, Resurrect & Build”
Jubilee Cathedral is affiliated with Global United Fellowship (GUF). As part of this global assignment, we have been mandated to do five (5) things:
1. To Unite
The Body of Christ is too dis-jointed. There are literally hundreds of church fragments consisting of Protestants, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Independents, and Non-Denominationals but somehow; although in so many cases we are saying and doing the same things to enhance God’s Kingdom on earth, we have for the most part either been unwilling or unable to come together for the advancement of the believers and the building of the Kingdom of God.
Our desire is to, wherever possible, unite this segment of the Body. We believe that this Is An Appointed Time On God’s Agenda to bring Unity to the Body.
While we accept that the task is too great for any one person or group to fulfill, we are convinced that the Global United Fellowship is mandated to do its part to cause unity to come to this group of believers from around the world. We want to help!
2. To Equip
Over the years, it has become very clear, that there are many well intentioned people who are called and chosen to do ministry, but are not as equipped as they need to be to do what they are called to do. There are many people who are literally serving at ALL levels of ministry in our Churches….Denominations……..Conventions…..Fellowships, holding positions for which they have no training. Global United Fellowship accepts the view that it has been raised up to walk along side of these believers and help them to better equip themselves for the assignment to which they have been called. Indeed, we believe that one of our assignments is to aid in equipping this segment for the work of ministry and the perfecting of the Body of Christ.
While some churches and groups are making an effort and are doing all that they can do, there is an important and oftentimes understated need for a Greater Collective effort for the Body of Christ to Inspire, Equip and Prepare its members. We believe that we have found an approach that would assist our people in significant ways; by working in conjunction with Universities, Seminaries and Media Networks among others.
Consequently, active dialogue continues with Universities and Seminaries to assist with training in at least thirty-six (36) different areas of ministry.
3. To Enhance Marriages and Family
Many of our Christian marriages and families are in trouble. Separations and Divorces are taking place among the members of The Body at an alarming rate; and members of the clergy are not being spared. We believe that there has to be an intentional focus placed on this area. G.U.F. is committed to doing all that it can to give focused attention to marriages, particularly those of Senior Pastors by endeavoring to provide help and support on a sustained basis . We honestly believe that God has given us Strategies that would assist greatly in enhancing and protecting marriages among the Clergy and in the Body of Christ at large.
4. To Resurrect the Dying Discipline of Prayer
The Lord has truly burdened some of us with the issue of this Dying discipline of Prayer in the Body. If we are going to shake our nations and bring them back into order and a return to God’s Agenda; then The 21st Century Church must return to the discipline, duty and practice of prayer as a fervent focus.
While prayer has always been Powerful; it has declined in its Popularity and now, for the most part, it stands as a dying discipline in the body. We believe that through our Annual Global Gathering, this dying discipline can be resurrected.
The New Testament Church was born in prayer; empowered by prayer and sustained through prayer. The Body of Christ can no longer continue to deny the reality of the supernatural power of God and the need to operate in it.
5. To Build Genuine Fellowship
The Global United Fellowship seeks to be an “organism” where the Body of Christ may experience Real, Authentic and Lasting Relationships among the brethren. We will endeavor to be our brothers’ keeper and to do our part to forge genuine fellowship, offer assistance and support whenever possible. We will let No Name, Denominational Tie, Doctrinal Belief, Socio-Economical or Cultural Composition prevent us from experiencing the authentic fellowship of the saints. We firmly believe that there is more that unites us than that which divides us.